Pittenweem Community Library Catalogue
Use the Libib Catalogue to see everything that we have available to borrow with a great search facility to find items by title, author (or director for DVDs), date (added to stock or published/released), category (adult fiction, adult non-fiction, junior and teen fiction, etc.).
See below for help in how to use the catalogue or email us at library@pittclic.org.uk if you need some help.
How to use the catalogue
Once you have the catalogue on screen, it will look something like this:
1. The Search Bar at the top of the screen – You can search for anything – title, author, theme – by entering your search terms here. Enclose your search terms in double quotation marks to exclude irrelevant results. It will search the entire catalogue.
2. The Box to the immediate right of the Search Bar – Clicking on the Box (not the arrow) allows you to sort the catalogue by Title, Creator (ie Author), Added, or Published. Title sorts items alphabetically by their title whereas Creator sorts items alphabetically by author surname. Added and Published sort items by date of either addition to our catalogue or publication date. The sorting can be inverted (i.e. shown in reverse order alphabetically for Creator and Title, or by date for Added and Published) by clicking the small arrow. When your search results come up the Box disappears; once you have finished your search click on a section in the Libraries list and the Box will reappear.
3. The Collections column on the left hand side of the screen – If you want to limit your search to a particular category, try using Collections. Select the relevant section from the Collections list; a search for a particular author or title can then be done using the Alphabet List below the Search Bar. For example to find all fiction titles by Penelope Lively, click on Adult Fiction in the Collections column, ensure that the selection box at the top right is set to Creator, click on L in the Alphabet List, scroll down until you find Lively and you’ll see the novels that we have in stock by this author. Or if you are looking for a particular DVD then click on DVD in the Libraries column to see all DVDs in stock and search in the same way.
4. The Filter List to the right of the Box – If you want to browse a particular topic, click on the Tag List at the top right of your screen. A drop-down menu will appear. You can click on whatever topic you are interested in, for example Biography or History, and a list of titles in these categories will appear.
5. Click on an item to bring up more details – most titles have the cover ‘blurb’ and some have more in depth reviews. You can also see if the item is available for loan (see below)
Is the item on the shelf or out on loan?
Once you have found an item you are interested in, click on the cover picture to bring up more details and below the ISBN numbers you will see the number of Copies and the number that are Out. If it shows Copies:1 and Out: 0 that means there will be one on the shelf at the library and you will be able to borrow it; if it shows Out: 1 then it is currently out on loan. If so, you can email the library to ask us to reserve it for you.
Browsing material for children
The Filter List is particularly useful here:
Junior Fiction
To find picture books and baby board books, select the tag share a story. For beginning readers, select I can read. To find books suitable for primary school children, select story dip. For older children, select teen fiction.
Junior Non-Fiction
The Tags here are the same ones used by Fife Council, so you may be familiar with them already and they are fairly self-explanatory:
All about everything
All about me
Animals and plants Cartoons/Graphic Novels Earth and space
How things work
In the past
Jokes, riddles and rhymes People and places
Sport for children
Things to do
You will notice that in the Tag List DVDs are split into different categories according to rating, so for younger children you can select the DVDs tagged DVD – U.
If you get Lost…..
Click on the Seal/Seagull logo at the top left to clear all the search filters and start again.