17 November – Seafood, Sustainability and the Future of Scotland’s Seas – Phil Taylor

Talk 3 – 17 November – Seafood, Sustainability and the Future of Scotland’s Seas

Phil Taylor, Head of Policy and operations for Open Seas, a marine conservation organisation

Fish, fishing and our seas are an integral part of Scotland’s identity and culture. Over the years seafood stocks and their marine habitats have declined – but now we stand at a crossroads in the way we manage our seas. Various political stars are aligning and bringing with them an opportunity to do much better. What does the future of our seas look like? And how do we get there?

Coastline Community Church
21 Session Street, Pittenweem KY10 2QL
Tickets: £6 available from the Library

Doors open 7pm, talk starts 7.30pm
Tea and biscuits included in the ticket price