Notification of our AGM

The Pittenweem Community Library and Information Centre AGM will be on THURSDAY 29 FEBRUARY at 7pm in Coastline Community Church. This is an open invitation to all members and you are very welcome to come along to hear about the work of the past year, which has been a very active one, with a growing membership.
Because we are a registered charity, members who would like to vote for the Trustees for example, must be what is known as a ‘registered voting member’. We’d love to encourage you to register, if you have not already done so in the past, by simply completing the short form which you can download here. Because the library is currently undergoing building work, please return your completed form to the address shown on the form.
Thank you very much for all your continued support and we hope to see you on 29 FEBRUARY to hear about our plans for the coming year.