Order and Collect

We are still offering an Order and Collect service. Just order your books from the catalogue in the usual way and email us your choices. You can choose what day you want to pick them up (no need for a specific appointment time) and a volunteer will give you your books at the desk.

How it Works


You can choose your books from the online catalogue at http://pittenweem.libib.com The catalogue can be searched by author or by book title and will show whether the book is currently available to borrow. Directly under the image of the book cover there is a box saying ‘1 available’ if the book is on the shelf and ‘0 available’ if it is out on loan. If you prefer not to use the catalogue you are most welcome to ask our volunteers to choose books for you. You can borrow up to 6 books at a time.


You can either email the library with your choices at library@pittclic.org.uk or call the library on 01333 311591 and leave a message including your name and phone number. A volunteer will call you back to take a note of the books you want to borrow and you can specify which day you want to collect them.