If you are looking for books to read over the festive season or to buy as Christmas presents, then look no further than the reviews that have been published this year and are on the library website. You will find a wide range of recommendations of both fiction and non-fiction ranging from spy thrillers to adventures with penguins.
A book that I am giving to friends this Christmas is French Braid by Anne Tyler. She is one of my favourite authors and I couldn’t wait to read her latest book which I did very happily on holiday earlier this year. If you already know her books and like her work, you will enjoy this one. If you don’t know her then this tale of the Garrett family is a good one to start with. Full of heartbreak and humour it portrays family life over a number of years with insight and warmth. You will want to know what happens right up to the last page.
This is the final book review newsletter of 2022. I would like to thank all our contributors over the year without whom these newsletters would not be possible. It is always good to hear about books you don’t know of and it may lead you to read something very different from what you normally enjoy. So do please consider writing something for our newsletters for 2023. It doesn’t have to be long, in fact our word limit for a review is 400 words, and even a couple of sentences recommending a book you’ve enjoyed would be gratefully received. Please send any contributions to books@pittlic.org.uk
With best wishes for the festive season, Ailsa